Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Welcome to my new blog!

I will be sharing random thoughts about life, faith, mental health, infertility, miscarriage, and grief.

I'm sure you will also be seeing a lot of our baby, Cesar, our Chihuahua!  Here's a photo of the little man to kick things off...

There will also be some recipes thrown in of my baking; however, don't expect amazing photos! 

My hope is you find a few recipes you would like to try, maybe have a few laughs at our craziness, but especially, I pray that my experiences will help you in some way - by providing needed information of where to find help or sharing encouragement that you are not alone.

Thanks for joining me on this new journey!


  1. I can't wait to follow along with your blog and praying that I will be an encouragement and comfort in your life. I'm very proud of you "daughter". That is who you are in mine and Mark's hearts.
