Friday, May 26, 2017

True Heroes

Seth took this photo tonight at a local restaurant.  It really touched both of us.  It may be hard to see, but sitting in a booth across from us were 2 older gentlemen and an older lady.

Seth had already pointed out that both of the men were wearing World War II hats, but a little later on we saw the lady on the left of this photo walk over to them and introduce her grandson, the little boy standing next to her.  He had been learning about WWII and was fascinated with it.  We couldn't hear all of the conversation, but we could tell both of the men were explaining their roles and patiently answering the little boy's questions.  They were still sitting there talking a while later when we left.

In a world of fictional superheroes and famous actors/musicians/sports "heroes", this little boy realizes who our true HEROES are.

Thank you to the grandmother, the veterans, and this sweet little boy for proving that respect for our military is still being taught and learned.  God Bless America.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

This photo represents what Mother's Day means to me this year...

Baby G - Our son or daughter in Heaven who made me a mother. It will be a sad day because we don't have him or her here with us to celebrate my first Mother's Day.  But it will also be a special day because I know our baby is in Heaven and I will remember and celebrate him or her.

My Mother - It will be a sad day because this is the 7th Mother's Day I have spent without her.  It will be a special day because of the memories of the 30 years I had her here on earth to love and celebrate.

Cesar - He may be a chihuahua, but he has also been my sweet baby for almost 10 years now.  He has brought so much comfort and joy to our home.  He has filled a small part of the hole in our family as we have longed for a baby.

The mixed feelings of happiness and sadness can be so difficult on days like this.

Happy Mother's Day to my family and friends!  I join you as you celebrate with your children and parents this weekend. You deserve all of it!

For those of you feeling sadness, I join with you as well.  I am thinking of you and praying for you:

For those who have lost children, I remember you.

For those of you who have lost mothers, I remember you.

For those of you who have lost babies through miscarriage, I remember you.

For those of you struggling with infertility, I remember you.

For those of you who never had a relationship with your mothers or children or have a strained relationship, I remember you.

You are not alone.  You are not forgotten.  On Mother's Day or ever.